Dang, V. H. N., & Ásgeirsdóttir, T. L. (2024). Estimating the Cost of Crime Victimization: A Compensating Income Variation Approach Using Different Utility Proxies. Social Indicators Research, e10007. DOI: s11205-024-03469-7
Dang, V. H. N. (2024). A framework for conducting research on consumer demand for high-value wildlife products in Asia. In: Handbook on Wildlife Crime. Routledge (Book chapter accepted for publication).
Dang, V. H. N., Nielsen, M. R., & Jacobsen, J. B. (2022). Conserving rhinos by legal trade: Insights from a choice experiment on rhino horn consumers. Ecological Economics, 193, e107287. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107287
Dang, V. H. N., & Nielsen, M. R. (2022, January 20). Rhino horn consumers reveal why a legal trade alone won’t save rhinos. The Conversation.
Dang, V. H. N., Gadbert, K., Nielsen, J. V., Nielsen, M. R., & Jacobsen, J. B. (2022). The impact of a legal trade in farmed tigers on consumer preferences for tiger bone glue – Evidence from a choice experiment in Vietnam. Journal for Nature Conservation, 65, e126088. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2021.126088
Dang, V. H. N., & Nielsen, M. R. (2022). Understanding determinants of demand for rhino horn through the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour. Ecological Economics, 195, e107361. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.107361
Dang, V. H. N. (2021). When cheap talk is not that cheap – interviewing the super-rich about illegal wildlife consumption. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2021.1904117
Dang, V. H. N., & Nielsen, M. R. (2021). Evidence or delusion: A critique of contemporary rhino horn demand reduction strategies. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26(4), 390-400. DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1818896
Dang, V. H. N., Nielsen, M. R., & Jacobsen, J. B. (2020). Reference group influences and campaign exposure effects on rhino horn demand: Qualitative insights from Vietnam. People and Nature, 2(4), 923-939. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10121
Dang, V. H. N., & Nielsen, M. R. (2018, April 30). We asked people in Vietnam why they use rhino horn. Here’s what they said. The Conversation.
Dang, V. H. N., & Nielsen, M. R. (2018). Understanding utilitarian and hedonic value determining the demand for rhino horn in Vietnam. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 23(5), 1-16. DOI: 10-1080/10871209.2018.144038
Truong, V. D., & Dang, V. H. N. (2017). Reviewing research evidence for social marketing: Systematic literature reviews. In K. Krzysztof & S. Rundle-Thiele (Eds), Formative research in social marketing (1st ed., Chapter 3, pp. 183-250). Singapore: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-1829-9_11.
Truong, V. D., Dang, V. H. N., Hall, C. M. (2015). The marketplace management of illegal elixirs: Illicit consumption of rhino horn. Consumption Markets & Culture, 19(4): 353-396. DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2015.1108915
Truong, V. D., Dang, V. H. N., Hall, C. M., & Dam, X. D. (2015). The internationalisation of social marketing research. Journal of Social Marketing, 5 (4), 357-376. DOI: 10.1108/JSOCM-04-2014-0025
Dang, V. H. N. (2016). Social marketing operational guidelines for nutrition programs in Vietnam. National Institute of Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Dang, V. H. N., Spohrer, R., Manus, C., Le, D. T., Bui, T. N., & Tran, K. V. (2016). Lessons learnt from the National Fortification Strategy of Vietnam. Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. Geneva, Switzerland.
Dang, V. H. N. (2013). Marketing assessment on medicinal and aromatic plants. TRAFFIC Southeast Asia. Hanoi, Vietnam.